
Angonoka Tortoise


Common Name: Angonoka Tortoise
Scientific Name: Astrochelys yniphora
Current Size: 8-10 CM
Area of Origin: Madagascar

Description:The carapace is highly domed and light brown in colour with prominent growth rings on each scute. The outer parts of the vertebral are a darker brown.[1] The gular scute of the plastron projects forward between the front legs and curves upward toward the neck. Males are larger than females, reaching a carapace length up to 17 in (43 cm).[2] The average length of an adult male is 414.8 mm (16.33 in) and the average weight is 10.3 kg (23 lb). Females measure at a 370.1 mm (14.57 in) average and weigh 8.8 kg (19 lb) on average. Domped shape angonoka tortoise are so so cute with captive breed. don’t forget that these pets will keep you busy when you are idle some times. They are very interesting and will graze till they are satisfies. Great Pets For The Whole Family.

Habitat: These terrestrial testudines prefer to live in the bamboo scrub forests found in the Northwest of Madagascar. The habitat of the angonoka tortoises, which is along the coast, is hot and semi-humid. The scrub forest where they live has plant species such as Bismarckia, tussock grass/spear grass, Casaythra sp. (Liana), Clerodendron incisum (herb), Bauhinia pervillei (orchid tree), Alloteropsis semialata (grass), and the Chadsia grevei (shrub). Although they feed in the open, they prefer to hide in the dense thickets when not foraging.

Diet: Ploughshare tortoises (angonoka turtles) are herbivores. In the wild, they eat fruits, vegetation, and feces of animals such as lemurs and bushpigs. They prefer to eat shrub leaves but avoid bamboo leaves if they can. In fact, they have never been observed eating the leaves of living bamboo trees. They also eat tussock grass and the Bauhinia pervillei orchid tree.